Thursday, July 30, 2009

Creative Entrance

If I were going to have a wedding party, I would certainly have done something like this! Watch it....too cool!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Maybe The Dingo Ate Your Baby!

I absolutely love this scene with Elaine......hilarious! Watch it!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

An Inspirational Story!

Watch this is an inspirational story about a dog named Faith. She beat the odds besides her handicap.

Monday, July 6, 2009

My Fourth of July

Great time, great food, great company! What more can I say?
It seems like it's been forever since we spent 4Th of July together at my sister's house....but we actually only missed one year. Last year.
The weather was absolutely PERFECT for this great American day! I thought for sure my 3 year old granddaughter would freak out once all the noise started, but she was really, really good. She did let us know in the beginning that she was not liking the noise, but after awhile of it, she seemed to get used to it.
There was a TON of food. My sister went a bit overboard I think. She bought something like 5 different types of burger buns, and I believe she said 3 or 4 different types of burger meats!
We had I don't know how many different deserts....oh, and she made this really great guacamole dip.....super HOT! Well, to me anyways. I'm a sissy when it comes to spicy.
My mom brought her famous special angel food cake concoction. Delicioso....muuaah!
Sunshine and Eunique got soaked playing with water balloons, and Sunshine ended up spending the night there.
I love spending time with the family!

Friday, July 3, 2009

My Mommy's New Purse

So....I have a difficult time figuring out every year what to get for my Mom for all the different occasions. I reluctantly decided for her birthday this year to do a DIY project. I knew that she wanted a geisha purse, and she had been looking for one online.
So how difficult could it be for me to throw a geisha on a purse? I'll eat those words! Especially since I've never done anything like that before in my life!
The first thing I had to do was hunt for the perfect purse. My mom is very finicky about her purses. Not too big, not too small, has to have at least one outside pocket, not to mention the fact that if I was going to pull this off I would need a solid colored purse. the quest begins. Day after day, store after store....until finally I find one that comes closest to what I need.
So what's next? Well, I go and buy some paints for fabric to put a little background for the face and kimono of the geisha because I was going to be using hotfix rhinestones (iron on), and the purse I selected was black. And I couldn't leave it so that the face stayed black, right? I mean, it's a geisha for goodness sake!
Well long story short, during the construction of this project were MANY trials and errors (put stuff on backwards, white paint ended up blue, etc.) . I really should have learned how to do this whole thing first before I actually made something as a GIFT! So one stiff neck and many nerves unrattled later....walah! This is how it ended up. I'M not content with it, but my family has been very encouraging and kind. My mom SEEMED to love it, but she's a great actress! lol...just kidding Mom! (well, not really)
So that is my story of my first time DIY project for my Mommy!