Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Our Walk

Wow!  I can't believe that's it's been almost 2 years since my last entry!  Time sure does fly!
Well, these are just a few things that I've been thinking about the last couple of days. 
Our walk with the Lord in these troubled times.
I personally feel that our walks are all individually designed.  We stumble and fall along the way.  Some of us fall many, many, MANY times.  But through our trials and stumbles, we are strengthened.  We are kicked in the rear, fall flat on our face and we experience loneliness as the world seems to turns it's back on us.  Some are left with nothing but the clothes on their backs....and sometimes it's because we need to get to that point to find Him!
I myself have been homeless.  Nowhere to go.  Nobody willing to take me and my two daughters in.  This actually happened twice.  The first time, my children were around 2 and 4.  I hadn't lived at home (my mom's) since right after I had my first daughter. I was 16.  I was around 19 at this point in time, where I became homeless.  I ended up staying in some old, beat up, seriously cockroach infested motel room. It had no kitchen, but it did have a refrigerator. My dad brought me a hot plate and a tortilla warmer to use for "cooking" that he had borrowed from his sister...my Tia.  That was a blessing, as I definitely couldn't afford to eat out.  We lived in that horrible dwelling for 10 months.  But we had a roof over our heads and food in our bellies, which is much more than many adults and children have around the world.  Thank you Jesus!  You provided even though I was not worthy!
I blamed no one for not taking me in.  I made my choices in life, and I was ready to deal with them.  I burned some bridges, and I understood that.  There's one thing that will always stay with me that my mom told me time and time again...."You made your bed, you lie in it".  So, I did.  It was a very ugly time in my life, and I'm very sad that my babies were exposed to my bad choices, but thanks be to God....we survived it.
The second time I was homeless, I had gotten kicked out of my apartment of almost 10 years, because my daughters (during this time were around 13 & 15) had committed a crime (with a friend) in the apartments where we lived, while I was at work. I came home from work to find a bunch of police cars in my driveway.  Management gave me 3 days to get out!  My world came crashing down around me.  And again, nobody would take me and my children in. I actually DID get a couple of offers to take only me...but they didn't want my unruly daughters there.....so off I went to apply as "homeless" at the welfare dept.  Luckily, we only stayed in a motel for a few weeks, before finding another apartment.  And THAT time, I had a job.  Again, thank you Jesus!  He never left my side, even though I wasn't deserving.  And I am so grateful that MY "homelessness" was staying in a motel.  It could have been so much worse....we could've been staying in a car, or even worse...sleeping on the streets.  I've never been much of a complainer, and I thank my mom for making me strong.  I am a survivor.
Nowadays it seems this world is filled with so many selfish, stubborn, whining, crying and impatient folks....wanting what we want, and wanting it now.....at whatever price sometimes. 
Me, me, me, ME!
But that's not what our Creator wants for us.
He wants to give us peace.  Eternal peace that will get us through, not only the good times, but especially the bad.  Isn't that when we need peace the most?
He wants us to spread the gospel to others, so that they may also know Him and have peace.
He loves us, and just wants us to love Him back.
He wants to save us!
I've also noticed how this generation has changed in their perception of God and morality.  We live in a generation of "entitlement" and a society where the goal is to "feel good".
Of course, it's to "feel good" about everything EXCEPT feeling good about your "religious" faith and beliefs.   Our people of faith are paying the price so that the world can "feel good".
"Feel good" about killing, even innocent babies...."Feel good" about their sexual urges, and acting upon them. "Feel good" about FORCING people of faith to go against their God given and Constitutional right to have and follow that faith.
FORCING them to financially support the killing of numerous babies, or pay the heavy fines.
FORCING them to perform marriages that is against their faith, or pay the heavy fines.
FORCING them to give up their careers if they are not willing to ignore and put aside their biblical convictions.
It's also become a world of consumption, self gratification, and where just about everything is disposable;
marriage, babies, human life, phones, computers, T.V.'s, and so many other things that are not
recyclable, earth friendly or any part of God's will. 
And all the distractions, like sex, drugs, the latest trends in technology, fame,  sex, sex, drugs.....oh, and did I say sex?
The enemy knows our weaknesses.  Know that!  Do not rely on your own knowledge, because the world has already planted so many seeds of doubt in your heart.  Don't listen.  Because you see....there's this book.  It's called the BIBLE.  Ever heard of it?
Well....it's  the inspired, infallible, authoritative, and the inerrant Word of God.
{ 2 Timothy 3:15-17 }
15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
So, if you are in the word daily...talking to our Lord daily, having the faith only the size of a mustard seed.....you will get your answers....your guidance....your peace.
DO NOT rely on man, or the world for your direction, for they WILL lead you astray and surely disappoint.
  Rely on God and His word (the Bible).
Invite (as difficult as this is) the trials and tribulations, as they will prepare you for all of the future battles you will face.
And there WILL BE battles.
Sometimes, God will bring people to help you....but sometimes he knows that it all has to come from within yourself.
Sometimes as Christians we are called to help others, but there are also times that we must take a step back and leave them to our Father.
He may have something else in mind for them.
But to know what He wants from you....to KNOW your direction....you must be with Him daily....ALL DAY.  Your heart must be focused on Him always.