Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Michael Jackson Medley

You have to watch this Michael Jackson Medley video. Really super cool!

1 comment:

  1. Grrrreat site, very upbeat and VERY different to my murder blog...oh well, not everyone can be upbeat, right? (wink, wink)

    If you're ever inclined for Murder, Manson-style (TLB2)or for a virtual cocktail at my Social Commentary blog (B3), stop by my blogs any old time. I can't promise upbeat but I might serve as the Ying to your Yang!!!

    Cordially, (If Not Entirely Sober!)

    High Chief Mucky-Muck of

    Burb's Buck & Buntline Inn (B3) http://burbsbuckandbuntlineinn.blogspot.com/

    2nd Official Tate-LaBianca Murders Blog (TLB2) http://2ndofficialtate-labiancamurdersblog.blogspot.com/
