Monday, February 22, 2016

Our Photography Ministry

As you all know, my husband and I are the church's photographers.  We were asked to take on this ministry by our pastor, several years ago.  It entails covering church events, special occasions (like dedications), and performances (from the youth and kid's ministries), fundraisers, etc.  Basically, anything that our church peeps are involved in.  Also, to periodically add new pictures to a "picture board" we have in the church.
Sounds simple enough. But, let me list for you just a few of the mechanics involved in our picture taking, and a few of the things that we have to deal with.  And let me just say....we're not big cry babies, but at the same time, we're not fans of getting attacked for performing our appointed tasks.  No.....we're not persecuted liberals.....but we do have feelings.
On with the descriptions.

Things you must realize when we are shooting "events" (not portraits):

1. We have less than a split second to think about, decide and to take a shot. "Moments" happen very quickly, so we shoot as much as we can hoping to catch those moments.
2. In that LESS THAN A SECOND, things can change, facial expressions can change and people can move.  Sometimes we catch the moment, sometimes we miss it.
3. Our cameras FREEZE a on a face, a blink can be frozen at half blink.  Mouths can be forming words and look very unnatural when frozen at the wrong moment. Faces and all their movements are the primary cause of unflattering faces....even more so (percentage wise) than eating.
4.  Our cameras see more than we can actually see through our lens.  Sometimes this is awesome, and sometimes it can be not so good when it sees things that we'd rather it not see. (That's what editing is for)
5. Sometimes, it may SEEM like the camera is aimed right at you, but it very well could be zoomed in on someone or something right next to you.
6. We don't TRY and shoot you eating or talking with your mouth full....or in very unflattering circumstances. Sometimes we just don't have enough time to "notice" everyone and everything when capturing groups of people. But our GOAL is to "shoot" for GOOD photos. So people that happen to get caught in unflattering poses or unflattering faces (due to eating or talking, etc) actually RUIN the picture, and it can't be used. Sometimes we can crop that person out, but many times it can ruin a group photo and will be deleted from existence. So you don't have to worry about there being an unflattering picture of you....we don't keep those.
7. We CAPTURE MOMENTS, MOODS and EMOTIONS.  There's not much time to think or survey everything before those moments have come and gone, so please try and be understanding if you see a camera pointing in your direction. You may not be the focus of the picture. And if you happen to be eating or making a face, you will either be cropped out (if possible) or the entire picture will be deleted when we review the pictures on our home computer (which we always do).
8. All we ask is for you to trust in our integrity.  Please don't come to us in anger....we are not here to embarrass or humiliate anyone. Our ministry is done in love, and our wish is to capture wonderful memories and moments in time.  GOD BLESS!

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