Tuesday, May 12, 2009

When Crystal Meth Hits Home

Hopefully you'll never know anyone close to you who will get involved in this horrible drug. Unfortunately, chances are that you will.
It's a heartbreaking thing to watch someone who is so beautiful, so vivacious, and with so much promise
deteriorate into a person you no longer recognize. Your heart bleeds as your mind wonders how something like this could happen. The person that stands before you now was once ahead in their class, intellectually beyond their years, and seemingly sane and quite rational. So what happened? This thing known as meth has had such devastating effects on so many people both young and old alike. It grabs ahold of them and doesn't let go.
I've had several people quite close to me get involved with this drug. Some have cleaned up and gone back, and some just never stop. I'm hoping as time passes that one in particular never goes back, and the other stops now before it's too late.
So to all out there who have had a loved one involved in meth, my prayers are with you and your loved one.

Pics from: http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/photos/gallery.ssf?cgi-bin/view_gallery.cgi/olive/view_gallery.ata?g_id=2927

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